Lars Andersen & Associates, Inc. was named as the prime consultant for the Martin Ray Reilly Park in 2010. Unfortunately, budgetary concerns within the City have led to issues related to getting the park built. Our firm has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to move forward on this park which could be so valued in Belmont Neighborhood where it is to be located.
However, a bright spot has emerged as the Fresno City Council has voted ask for help from the state of California in order create more parks, particularly in underserved neighborhoods such as that in which the Martin Ray Reilly Park is planned. The Parks Department, under the direction of the Fresno City Council, will be applying for more than $10 million in grants from the state.
According to the City of Fresno’s newspaper of record, the Fresno Bee, $3 million of the grants would go to the proposed Martin Ray Reilly Park, which is now an empty field on Chestnut Avenue next to Highway 180 in east-central Fresno. The park could have a playground, walking path and basketball court.
The issue which has to be addressed before moving forward is the question of how the park will be maintained; a question echoed throughout the city of Fresno on many parks. Fresno’s Parks Department has limited funds, particularly for park maintenance. One of the options used in some Fresno parks is volunteers.
Our firm will be watching this important issue closely and welcomes support for the park in any way it is delivered.
Much of the research for this article was done through an article written in the Fresno Bee. If you are interested in reading more, please visit